Wednesday, October 15, 2014

2.Selenium WebDriver Configuration and other supported installation

Configuring Android WebDriver in Eclipse

Configuring  AndroidDriver in Eclipse
1-      Download  Android server apk from this URL
2-   Download android SDK from this location

3-      Unzip it in some location like C:/SDK
4-      You will see three folder ther

  •  Eclipse
  • SDK Manager.exe
  • sdksdk
Like this

Here you can use the eclise from here and so no need to configure here in eclipse it is already there in eclipse

Now you need to Create Android Virtual Device
Go to  Window >>AVD Manager>>
5-      Avd can also be created by command line
But for that you need to reach to the directory path of <sdk> tools
so open you Command prompt write this line (as my tools is present at this location)
cd C:androidadt-bundle-windows-x86sdktools
now write this line

android create avd -n my_android -t 14 -c 512M

Here  -n stands for specification of the avd name
-t  is used here for It specifies the platform target. Use the android list targets command to get the list of platforms available with the SDK.
-c  targets to SD card in mobile
6-      Lauching emulator
  1. a.       By using command line (navigate to platform tool location)emulator -avd my_android &    launching-emulator
  2. b.      By using manually
    Window >>Android Virtual Device Manager >> select already created AVD and click on start
7-      Finding  device id (I am assuming that we are in platform-tools directory on CMD)
write this command in CMD
adb devices    By default it will give id like this emulator-5554
8-      Now  copy your androidDriver apk and place it in platform-tools folder
9-      Now installing the apk in  newly created AVD(assuming that we are in platform-tools directory in cmd)
adb -s emulator-5554 -e install -r  android-server-2.21.0.apk
10-   Starting  Android-server (assuming we are in platform-tools directory on CMD)
adb -s emulator-5554 shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n -e debug true
11-   Setting up the port forwarding in order to forward traffic or script injection from local machine to emulator
adb -s emulator-5554 forward tcp:8080 tcp:808
But if you want to install plug-in of Android WebDriver in to your eclipse 
1- Go to Help>> Install new software >> Add
and Follow the instruction and finally you would be able to configure the Android WebDriver   plugin in Eclipse.

Downloading and Configuring Selenium Webdriver in Eclipse with Testng plugin installation

Downloading and Configuring Selenium WebDriver in Eclipse

  1. To Download Selenium WebDriver jar file  Go to
  2. Now Click on 2.30 under the label Selenium Server (formerly the Selenium RC Server)selenium-standalone-jar
  3. Now Open Eclipse and Create one Java project
  • Right Click on Left hand side in Eclipse under Package Explorer like in Imagenew-eclipse-java-project
  • Select NEW|JAVA PROJECT as marked in Imagenew-java-project-in-eclipse
  • Enter the name of Project Here I have mentioned New Project and Click on Finish button project-created-in-eclipse
  • Go to Project Explorer Label and See new project has been created as in Image
  • Now Select you project and Select  NEW|Folder as in Imagecreating-new-foldernew-folder-created
  • Another Window Open Enter the name of Folder and Click on Finish as in Image java-client-location
  • Now go to Location where Java Client  has been downloaded  and Copy the Selenium Server
  • Copy Selenium Server Standalone jar in Lib folder created under NewProjectadding-jar-file-to-path
  • Now add this standalone file in to path   by doing Right Click on Selenium Server Standalone 2.24.jar – Go to Build path|Add to Build Path as in image
  • Now you would see a new Label named as Reference Library as in Imageadded-jar-in-build-path
  • By adding Selenium Server Standalone 2.24.jar we have configured Webdriver in Eclipse

Configuring TestNG in Eclipseconfiguring-testng

  1. In Eclipse go to Help|Install New Software 
  2. Enter in the field as displayed in the image below and Click on Add Button on the right side of this text field, A pop up will appear, Enter the name TestNG and click on ok button and wait for few second. After this wait you See TestNg and Select check box of  TestNg  and then click on Next and Follow the Instruction and finally click on Finish and Refresh Eclipse.beust
  3. Note : In between installation one pop alert will appear before you that will ask your permission to install testng since it is not trusted, In this click on Ok button..wait for installation of Testng
  4. Question arises how we know that TestNg has been configured in Eclipse
  • Go to Window | Show View | Other as in Image testngconfig
  • Now Select Java|TestNG|GO testng
  • Finally to see whether Eclipse is configured or not do a final touch Right Click on you Peoject|Run As|TestNg Test as in Image
Finally we are done with configuration of Selenium WebDriver and TestNG

Installing Maven Plugin in Eclipse

Installing Maven plugin in Eclipse
1-     Download Eclipse
2-     Unzip and Click on Eclipse.exe
3-     Now in Eclipse  Click  Help-> Install New Software
4-     Type the following URL in field Work with

5-     Click Add
6-     Give any name for the repository
7-     Click OK
8-     Select the checkbox Maven Integration for Eclipse
9-     Click Next etc. to move forward and choose to restart Eclipse when prompted

Creating First Maven Project in Eclipse

Here  i am posting new post to create new maven project that i have learned from various sites and blot  and i got this very useful and want to share this with people who are also like me, and has started learning Selenium from scratches.
1- In Eclipse File ->New-> Other-> Maven-> Maven Project

2- Now Click Next, Next and Next
3- Type in field Group Id: com.Projectgroup.selenium Example com.Dwarika.selenium
4-Type in field Artifact Id: projectname Example : Webdriver
5-Click: Finish
After this you will see the hierarchical structure like this in Eclipse  where you would be able to see pom.xml in which you put all dependencies for your Maven Project

In Above snap number 4 you would be able to see the dependencies for junit and Slenenium
Dependencies that we need to change as per the use
1) We will change junit version to 4.7 or recent one is 4.9
in my case i have taken version for junit is 4.7
To add dependecy for Selenium we need to put this like given below

-- Here Eclipse will detect changes in pom.xml automatically and will download or update all dependencies as per the requirement
-- After the build is finished, there should be selenium*.jar files under Maven Depe

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